1. Watch the Mandatory Entry Advising Orientation.
2. Please select a date in which you can attend the EvCC Running Start Advising Lab session. These sessions are required to registering for courses at EvCC, students will learn how to register for classes as well as what courses they should register for.
2. When you register for a advising session you will receive an automatic confirmation email ticket for the event. Please save this ticket as you will need it in order to check-in on your advising date. Tickets are for the prospective student only. Parents are welcome to attend the session however, they will be asked to stand/sit in the back as the session are designed for prospective students only.
3. When you come to your advising session please bring the following,
- Printed Event Ticket with the date of your session.
- Printed Entry Advising preperation sheet, placement scores, and guest parking pass (all of which you will receive in a follow-up email prior to your advising session).
- Running Start Enrollment Verification form (which you get from your high school counselor)